Kanpani Wiki

Note: Monique's lines are what's being used.

Just a page to try and figure out which voice IDs correspond with each game event. Currently missing v016, v017, and v018. Translations are likely not 100% accurate.

Voice Line ID Event (or quote if event unknown) Sound
v001 Secretary (Greeting)
v002 Employee Hired (From Folder)
v003 Secretary (Return From Quest)

Secretary (Click2)

v005 Secretary (Idle)
v006 Attack (Basic)
v007/v107 Critical Hit / (v107 = Magic Attack)
v008 Injured (Below 50% HP)
v009 Dodged Attack
v010 K.O. & Scrap(Dismiss?)
v011 Battle Victory
v012 Level Up
v013 Class Up
v014 Start Quest
v015 Secretary (Click1)
v016 Roughly translates to:  President, you don't know my ability... (I couldn't really decipher what she said past [shiranai.] save for bits and pieces.)
v017 Translation: This would be of use. 
v018 Translation: Do-... Don't do it. (Can't do it?)
v019 Join Formation / Assigned to Facility
v020 Catalog Intro (Also plays when employee is found as a quest drop)

All items (20)
